Gift Card

Create a physical gift card product that customers can purchase on the website. Customers can add gift cards to their carts and specify an amount that is above the minimum amount. Note that this is how customers purchase a physical gift card online. See E-Gift Card to create a virtual gift card product. 

If you want to charge sales tax for gift cards, go to Taxes to configure the settings. 

Site Administrators and Content Editors can create, edit, and remove gift cards. 

Select Create in the left menu, select Product, then Gift Card to create a gift card product. 


Create Gift Card

All components and fields with a red asterisk (*) are required. 

  1. Enter a Title for the gift card.
  2. Enter an SKU to identify the physical gift card product.
  3. Enter additional information about the gift card product in the Description.
  4. Select Add media to add a Featured Image displayed on the gift card's left side. The Minimum Recommended Width is 800px. You can add a new image or select one that is already in the library. Only one image is allowed per gift card.
  5. Enter a Default amount populated when a customer selects the gift card product.
  6. Enter the Minimum amount customers can enter for the gift card. 
  7. If you wish to change the automatically generated URL, you can create a custom URL alias by unchecking Generate automatic URL alias under URL path settings in the upper right and entering the alternate path.
  8. Leave Published selected to publish the gift card product to your site. Unselect if you don’t want the gift card product to publish yet. 
  9. Select Save to save the gift card.